
Forerunner 310XT 腕戴式 GPS

 產品首頁 > GPS 運動用 GPS 產品 > Forerunner 310XT 腕戴式 GPS > 操作手冊
**Forerunner 310XT 腕戴式 GPS
目前 310XT 沒有中文說明書.

我們有位客戶因為之前有個設定項目操作忘了, 誤以為軟體更新以後設備有了問題而將 310XT 來來往住寄到 Garmin 去維修, 詢問 Garmin 的客服好多次都不能得到满意的答覆, Garmin 的客戶人員只好跟他說他之前所要的功能可能現在已經移除了. 結果他又將設備回存到舊版本, 仍然沒有找到他要的功能.

後來他來找潤泰的客服, 我們也幫他設回了他想要的功能了, 因此我們在這裡作一些整理, 歡迎有需要的朋友針對操作上的問題, 嘗試作一些對照翻譯.

若您任何關於 310XT 的問題, 請您在這裡留言.

GARMIN Forerunner 310XT


  • 配備的橡膠腕帶非常強固可靠
  • 明亮的背光照明顯示器
  • 多種語系選擇 Danish, Dutch, English (預設, 並無中文), Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish
  • 內建 12 信道 GPS 接收機 使用接收感度最好的 SiRFstarIII 晶片.
  • 附軟式心率感測器.
  • 內建高容量的可充電鋰電池 (可工作達 20 h)
  • 快速定位性能 (TTFF¹: 約 15 秒 暖開機, 冷機 45 秒
  • 可更新韌體
  • 工作溫度 -20 .. 60°C (-4° .. 140°F)
  • USB stick 無線方式連接 PC
  • 尺吋: 54x56x19 mm (2.1x2.2x0.8 inches)
  • 重量: 72 g (2.5 ounces); 腕帶 21 g (0.74 ounces)
  • 防水深度達 50 m (150 ft)

¹) TTFF: Time To First Fix, time until the first information about the local position is acquired.

Information about your training:

  • 個人檔案: stores personal information such as gender, weight and date of birth (in order to calculate the calories burned)
  • Stores various settings per sport mode (running, biking, other), such as values to be displayed on the custom page, heart rate zones, limits etc.
  • Stop watch with split times (laps). Records split times either manually by pressing the "lap" key or automatically based on a user defined distance.
  • Auto pause: Stops the watch automatically if the current speed drops below a user defined value, e.g. when waiting at a red light or during a short break.
  • Virtual Partner: This unique feature helps you to achieve certain goals for your workout. The virtual partner will keep exactly the pace / speed required to achieve the goal you have set. Forerunner will constantly measure your current pace / speed and compares it to the virtual partner's pace / speed. It will ask you to speed up or slow down as needed and it shows on the display whether you are ahead or behind your virtual partner.
  • History: Forerunner keeps track of your workouts. It stores the date, time, number of laps, duration, distance, average speed, calories burned, average and maximum heart rate on a daily basis. It also provides weekly overviews and running totals for the duration, distance and calories burned.
  • Navigation: Indicates distance and direction from your current location to a user specific waypoint. Stores up to 100 waypoints.
  • Course: Follow a course based on previously recorded activities to match or exceed your goals. The Forerunner tracks your workout, but also indicates if you are on your course path or not.
  • Back to start: This feature helps you to travel all the way back to the starting point of your trip.
  • Stores up to 1'000 laps.
  • Supports metric and U.S. units.


2011/06 的版本為 3.70

在單車設定下 (Setting>Bike Settings>Data Averaging ) 新增踏踩迴轉及單車功率的零平均值. 註: 迴轉功率在預設下是包含零的.
新增 sunrise/sunset (日出/日落) 資料欄
新增 在歷史記錄中也能檢視目前啟用中的記錄細節
新增 UTF-8 支援 (對 Unicode 編碼 支援對於一些運動名稱是用中文等字元時或許不會出現亂碼)
之前我們只能從 Training Center 中去修改 speed/pace zones 現在新增的界面可以直接在設備上修改.
新增了新的心率顯示設定, 使心率的顯示可以直接在設備上設置, 而不用經由軟體. (Settings -> Settings -> Heart Rate -> Display)
改善了鍵盤的功能: 新增了大小寫的選項
增加了 自訂/進階 訓練計劃的可選階層為可選 50 的階段
修正了以位置為自動計圈 (Autolap by position) 的計算式
修正了心率訓練  (Heart Rate Workout) 的計算式
修正了從 GTC 傳來的區域  (zones being sent from GTC) 的計算式
修正了室內手動設定為多重運動模式下, 配合 foot pod 時沒有累積的距離
淘汰了Eliminated the 150KB limit for course fit files
更新 Firstbeat library 為每秒產生 second generation
修正了issues with the Recovery Heart Rate message not clearing
修正了issues with calculating distance after leaving a tunnel
增加了an every second recording option. The user no longer has to be paired with a power meter in order to get once per second recording. Go to Settings>System>Data Recording to enable.



GARMIN Forerunner 310XT 的各個頁面 (有些頁面預設是隱藏的, 可視您的需要設定是否顯示):

Note: You may configure the main pages through options. The screenshots below are just examples, the actual appearance may vary from the pages shown below depending on the current settings. Especially the content of the data fields is user configurable. You can choose from 43 different values, see the table below.

Satellites Menu Settings Waypoint
GARMIN Forerunner 310XT Satellites GARMIN Forerunner 310XT Menu GARMIN Forerunner 310XT Settings GARMIN Forerunner 310XT Waypoint
  • Current position of the satellites in the sky (upper image)

  • Accuracy of current position information
  • Strength of satellites' signals
  • Numbers of the visible satellites
  • History (per day, per week, running totals)
  • Workout settings (auto-stop, virtual partner, speed alarm, distance alarm)
  • Navigation (waypoints, goto, routes)
  • Settings (time format, language, units etc.)
  • Status line with battery charging state, GPS status, current sport, current time
  • Settings for current sport (currently "running")
  • General settings (system, units, time format etc.)
  • Manage user profiles
  • Information about the unit (firmware version etc.)
  • Status line with battery charging state, GPS status, current sport, current time
  • (2010/12/23 譯)
  • System:
    • Language
    • Toens and Vibration (嗶音與振動提示)
      • Key Tones (按鍵音 on/off)
      • Message Tones (提示音 on/orr)
      • Message Vibration (振動提示 on/off)
  • Display
    • Backlight Timeouy (照明持續時間)
    • Contras (LCD 對比設定)
  • Map
    • Orientation (地圖顯示方向)
      • Track Up (航向)
      • North Up (始終朝北)
    • User Location (使用者位置)
      • Show (顯示)
      • Hide (隱藏)
    • Show Map (是否顯示地圖頁面)
      • No (否)
      • Yes (是)
  • Symbol
  • Name (max. 20 characters)
  • Coordinates
  • Elevation above sea level
  • Delete waypoint
  • Show waypoint on map
  • Exit this page


Training Virtual Partner Compass Map
GARMIN Forerunner 310XT Training GARMIN Forerunner 310XT Virtual Partner GARMIN Forerunner 310XT Compass GARMIN Forerunner 310XT Map
  • Duration of the current workout
  • Current speed
  • Distance travelled

You can set the unit to show 1 to 4 data fields. Select for every field which value to show, there is a choice of 43 different values, see table below.

  • Current pace (time per distance)
  • Your position (below) in relation to your virtual partner (above)
  • Distance between you and your virtual partner
  • Time difference between you and your virtual partner
  • Direction to next waypoint
  • Distance to next waypoint
  • Estimated remaining time until arrival at next waypoint
  • 必需要有一個自訂點位才能執行 Going to a Location 的羅盤功能
  • mode > GPS > Goto to Location, 再按上下鍵來選取目地點位
  • Map with waypoint (flag), current position (triangle) and travelled path (track)
  • Current scale
  • 要加入這個頁面請按 mode > Settings > System > Map > 選 Yes.

在Training 頁面中可自選的資料顯示欄位:

  • Speed 是速度值, 以您所選的單位顯示, 我們大多以 "公里/小時" , 即時速多快為單位, 在 310XT 上多以時度顯示 (km/h)
  • Pace 是單元時間值, 單位通常我們會選用 "分及秒" 為為顯示單位, 而預設的單元為公里, 可以簡單說, 這個值是跑者以目前的速度跑完每一公里所需時間的即時估算值 (time/km)
  • 標記為 1) 的項目需要配合心率帶, 是 310XT 的標準配備, 但也可以另外再加購 (010-11092-00).
  • 標記為 2) 的項目需要配合踩踏及輪速傳感器, 需另外購買 (010-10644-00).
  • 標記為 3) 的項目需要配合require a foot pod which is available as an option.
  • FTP: Power 作動的門檻, 用在自動計算功率值並將其分為 7 段.
  • Firmware 更新到 3.0 以後新增了 Vertical Speed - 30秒平均值 (飛行傘運動適用). Power 3秒與 30 秒平均值, %FTP Power 及 Max speed.
Nr 功能顯示標頭 說明
1 Cadence2)3) Revolutions of the crank arm2) rsp. number of steps3) per minute
2 Cadence average2)3) Average revolutions of the crank arm2) rsp. number of steps3) during this training unit
3 Cadence lap2)3) Average revolutions of the crank arm2) rsp. number of steps3) during the current lap
4 Calories Amount of calories burned during this training unit
5 Distance Distance traveled during this training unit or Distance traveled on the current run.

一般是顯示目前已經移動 (跑步, 單車騎乘, 游泳. 在一般沒有設置 Workout 訓練計劃表下, 每按住 Mode 一秒, 會切換不同的種運動模式下, 而每一種運動模式的細項可在 Mode > Settings > 設置) 的距離.

然而, 在某個 Workout 訓練單元中, 這個距離就是指在這個單元中所移動的距離.

6 Distance lap Distance travelled during current lap
7 Distance nautical Distance travelled during this training unit in nautical miles
8 Elevation 目前所在地的海平面垂直距離, 只會顯示公制單位
9 GPS accuracy Accuracy of current position information
10 Grade Calculation of rise over run. For example, if for every 10 ft. you climb (elevation) you travel 200 ft.(distance), your grade is 5%.

Inclination or declination, calculation based on distance travelled and elevation gain or loss

11 Heart rate1) Current heart rate
  Heart Rate–%HRR  
12 Heart rate %Max1) Current heart rate in percent of the maximum heart rate
13 Heart rate (% heart rate reserve) Percentage of heart rate reserve (heart rate reserve = difference of maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate)
14 Heart rate average Average heart rate during this training unit
15 Heart rate average %max Average heart rate in percent of the maximum heart rate during this training unit
16 Heart rate average % heart rate reserve Average percentage of heart rate reserve for this training unit (heart rate reserve = difference of maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate)
17 Heart rate lap1) Average heart rate during this lap
18 Heart rate lap %Max1) Average heart rate in percent of the maximum heart rate during this lap
19 Heart rate lap average % heart rate reserve Average percentage of heart rate reserve for this lap (heart rate reserve = difference of maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate)
20 Heart rate graph1) Graphical representation of the heart rate over time
21 Heart rate zone1) Current heart rate zone (the Forerunner 310XT supports 5 adjustable heart rate zones to define different work out benefits)
22 Heading Current direction of movement
23 Laps Number of completed laps
24 Pace Current pace (time per distance unit)
25 Pace average Average pace (time per distance unit) for this training unit

與下面的意思雷同, 只是計次單元是根據運動訓練 (Workout) 中的設定為基礎.

26 Pace lap Average pace (time per distance unit) for this lap

雖然按照英文的字義為 "跨步的平均速度比" 不過我們有位黃姓客戶為了找不到這個功能將他的 310XT 來回寄到 Garmin 原廠客服三次, 客服還告訴他, 他要的功能可能已經移除了, 其實不是這樣的.

欄位設置了 Average pace 所顯示的數值為 "完成一個單位行程的平均時間" 而這個數值是動態顯示的, 每一個單位行程則是指每一圈的距離, 而每一圈的距離在 Auto Lap (自動計圈) 中的預設值為 1Km (可以自行設定過).

在您設置了自動計圈之後, 每次您按下 start 起, 每跑 (騎) 完一圈  310XT 會亮燈, 嗶一聲, 震動一下提醒您, 在過程中 Average pace 會動態顯示在目前的速度下, 完成這一圈估計所需的時間. 即過程中, 您可以控制自己的速度來符合您自定的達成時間.

例如, 您準備以每三分鐘跑完 1 Km , 您需要調整您的速度使這個欄位的數值持續顯示接近 3 分鐘的值.

27 Speed 現在的速度 (我們大多以 公里/小時的 km/h 顯示, 當然也可自定以英里來顯示)
28 Speed average Average speed (distance per time unit) for this training unit
29 Speed nautical Speed in Knots
30 Speed lap Average speed (distance per time unit) for this lap
37 Sunrise Time of the theoretical sunrise at the current location 註: Sunset 與 Sunset 日出及日落是 Ver 3.7   版所新增的欄位
38 Sunset Time of the theoretical sunset at the current location
31 Power Current power output in Watts or %FTP
32 Power average Average power output for this training unit
33 Power cumulative Cumulative power output for this training unit
34 Power lap Average power output for this lap
35 Power max Maximum power output for this training unit
36 Power zone Current power zone based on your FTP or user specific settings (7 power zones)
39 Time Elapsed time since the start of the current training unit

以目前的訓練項為基礎, 從您按下 start 開始, 到現在所經過的時間.

40 Time average lap Average time to complete the laps so far
41 Time lap Elapsed time since the start of the current lap
42 Time elapsed Total elapsed time of current training unit including stopped time and paused time
43 Time of day Current time

Training Center:

You may download this software either from GARMIN's website or from our server, see Downloads below. The software requires a PC with Windows 2000, XP or Vista Windows 7  and an USB connector or an Intel-based Mac or PowerPC (G3 or newer) running OS X 10.4 or later with an USB connector. Training Center provides the following features:

  • Multi-lingual user interface: The software supports the languages English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
  • User management: Supports multiple Edge devices.
  • Data exchange: Supports archiving of data collected with Edge 705 devices.
  • Data export: Supports data export as XML files.
  • Graphical data analysis: Supports graphical data analysis as shown below.


Hint: Click on the images for an enlargement.

[ Training Center user profile ] [ Training Center overview graphics ] [ Training Center overview graphics ]
User profile Overview graphics Overview graphics
Username, gender, weight, date of birth, heart rate, heart rate zones, speed zones etc. Calendar, logs, track, graphical representation for heart rate, elevation and pace Calendar, logs, track, graphical representation for heart rate, grade and speed
[ Training Center overview totals ] [ Training Center graph heart rate over distance ] [ Training Center graph speed over time ]
Overview values Graph heart rate over distance Graph speed over time
Calendar, logs, totals, graphical representation Graphical representation heart rate over distance Graphical representation speed over time
[ Training Center graph heart rate and pace over distance ] [ Training Center graph heart rate and elevation over distance ] [ Training Center detailed map ]
Graph heart rate and pace over distance Graph heart rate and elevation over distance Detailed map with track
Graphical representation heart rate and pace over distance Graphical representation heart rate and elevation over distance (heart rate in precent of the maximum heart rate) If you own a map with detailed information (e.g MapSource MetroGuide or Swiss Topo), you can display the track on these maps as well
[ Training Center training schedule ] [ Training Center workout ] [ Training Center workout ]
Training schedule Workout (example 1) Workout (example 2)
The Training Center helps you to manage work outs and training schedules.

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All Rights Reserved.